Lit Camp at Beast Crawl!
Event Description
Curator: Matthew James DeCoster |
Lit Camp, the juried conference for writers returns to Beast Crawl! We've gathered some of our stellar alumni and friends to tickle your brain with words. Join us!
Matthew James DeCoster is a Lit Camp board member and a production assistant at Literary Death Match. He's created and hosted WRITE ON! for Litquake, where he also curated Barely Published Authors.
Event Readers
Ian TuttleLit Camp alumni, Ian Tuttle, is the author of StretchyHead - Fictional Stories in Real Places. His photography has appeared in Marie Clare, Irish Times, SF Gate and Outside Magazine.
Janine KovacFormer ballerina Janine Kovac is a co-founder of Write on Mamas and alumna of Squaw, Lit Camp, and Hedgebrook. She lives in Oakland with her husband and three kids.
Miah Jeffra |
Travis Peterson |
Alia VolzAlia Volz is an essayist, novelist and Spanish interpreter. Her writings appear in Tin House, The New York Times, Threepenny Review, New England Review and elsewhere. Stalk her at